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When someone has some tasty food that they have left unguarded you eat it without the owner permission. Its utterance renders the act more socially acceptable.

"Danger-munch!" *eat slice of tasty pizza*

"Man that was my last slice."
"Yeahhh mate danger-munchh!"

"Did you just eat that last biscuit?"
"Yeahh sorry mate Danger-munch."

"Mate I can't believe that b*****d ate my pizza!"
"To be fair mate, he did call Danger-munch"

by TheDangerMuncher August 24, 2013

down to munch

A woman who is down to eat you out in either area.

Man that girl last night was down to munch. She went on for an hour down there.

by Lesli March 26, 2012

Bust a munch

Having the munchies

Dude, I’m so hungry. Let’s go bust a munch.

by SanAntonDeuceDime May 30, 2018

Munch McCoochie

Use it in your local game of Kahoot to piss off your science teacher

Now who the hell put their name in as "Munch McCoochie"!!!!!

by bingtodabong August 2, 2021

munch ons

another word for snacks, or food to eat in general

β€œyo bro you got any munch ons?”

by xan da goat June 12, 2020

faggot munch

A person who likes to munch on faggots.
Also an awesome insult!

Gaz: You done your homework Tony?
Tony: No, don't be such a faggot munch Gaz.
Gaz: Jeez, sorry.

by El_Roberto October 17, 2007

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Fuck Munch

Defenition 1) A person who is a complete loser and deserves to die

Defenition 2) A person who munches on devices that have something to do with sex

Def. 1)
isnt that Nealon a fuck munch?

Def. 2)
That guy ate lots of condoms, what a fuck munch

by Timleob March 23, 2004

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