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Hummel Park

Park located in the deep, north, ghetto part of Omaha. It is known for the "devil steps" that have a different number when going up then going down. It is said to be one of the most haunted places in Omaha, NE. It is home to several linching and murders. There are also albinos haunting the park, hiding in the trees. It is also where Justin Bieber was conceived.

Her body was found at Hummel park, the albinos probably killed her.

by Aqualoper March 25, 2011

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Zach Park

A Street Rapper local to NY's Syracuse,binghampton, and elmira regions. Best known by his nickname "Tha Fresh Prince Of New York". He is also very well known for his dislike of the law, and his very public love for da pussy

Me: Yo what you doin tonight
Friend: Nuthin
Me: Lets go down to the voodoo lounge and see Zach Park spit his mad game
Friend: Oh Sit son, I didnt no he was in town, lets go!!!

by Gilberto Sanchez August 28, 2009

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Severna Park

I was raised in Severna Park. Sadly, we do believe we are rich. However, once you grow up and see a little more of the world you realize we are pseudo-snobs. The houses in Potomac and Bethesda are about 3x the size and 10x the price. Their kids go to Georgetown prep and are related to the power elite. Severna Park is a glorified upper-middle class town that really, really wants to be something its not.

Severna Park, maybe one day you will be Bethesda.

by md76 August 31, 2009

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Washington Park

The ghetto, where niggas walk up to your car asking you if you want crack, heroine, weed, or a hooker; and if you dont you'll get shot. so run white boy run!!

Washington Park is the straight up ghetto, dont go there unless you plan on purchasing drugs or prostitutes. also, dont go there if your a pretty white girl.

by Georgie Porgie Meyer Lucas July 25, 2008

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south park

a quit little red ned-neck, white trash, trailer town, mountain town.

South park is fuckin sweet!

by Urban Dictionary October 24, 2004

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Jay Parked

When someone leaves their workplace computer unattended, it is their co-workers responsibility to replace the desktop background with a picture of Korean pop-singer Jay Park. This is known as being Jay Parked.

Daniel got up to take a shit and left his computer unlocked, so we Jay Parked that bastard.

by KK the hoeslayer September 13, 2010

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Asbury Park

A historic city on the Jersey Coast. At the moment it is not the safest place to b, with a lot of crime. It is currently undergoing a large-scale "renovation" and is becoming a nicer area to be. It is best known as the place where Bruce Springsteen began his career, at the Stone Pony.

I used to always go to the Stone Pony in Asbury Park, New Jersey.

by Craig ARC April 15, 2006

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