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phat amounts

the most you could ever have...ever

1. i have so much phat amounts, its ridiculous.

by iron maiden mike a May 18, 2009

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Phat Fives

A term used to desribe an Integra GSR wheel that has straight spokes.

Do you think I should get Phat fives or Blades for my hatchback?

by Andrew December 25, 2004

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PHAT American

When an American is so hot that you just want to tackle them and have sex with them on the spot.

As most natural-born Americans are fat, lazy, greasy, and smelly, the term "PHAT American" usually refers to a (typically illegal) immigrant. In addition to immigrants being more sexy, it is a well-known fact that illegal immigrants are much easier rape targets as they can't go to the police.

by Bad C dev March 1, 2021

Nasty Phat

One who is Nasty and Fat,

Becky is sooo Nasty Phat

by Hailes! March 24, 2009

Phat chad

Fat ass

Person 1: hey mate, look at her

Person 2: oi she's got a phat Chad

by Rosied123 June 18, 2016

Phat wayne

A really fuckin good flog/ wank

I just had a phat wayne

by Phatwayne October 16, 2018

Phat Whaps

Naturally large breasts, usually so large as to not be self supporting.

You've got to love a MILF with phat whaps!

by The Unhomed April 29, 2019