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Butt Popcorn

Severe hemorroidal swelling around the perimeter of anus. The multitude of bumps resembles the texture of popped popcorn.

"What do you see back there Dr., is it bad?"

"Good lord Mr. Smith, you have so many hemorroids back here I feel like I just stuck my hand into a bag of butt popcorn."

by Jimboslice1976 October 19, 2013

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popcorn bitch

a popcorn bitch meaning a bitch that just gets used once like popcorn they pop and then they are done.

" You a popcorn bitch, passed around thot"

by IdgafBoutYouThottyHoes June 11, 2022

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popcorn straw

When you go to the movies, and buy the super expensive popcorn. Then decide to indulge in the free melted butter, and you idulge so much you need a straw to enjoy it.

Man when do you ever get a chance to drink all the free melted butter you can handle? Chug that shit David.

by tpfusion June 25, 2005

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make popcorn

having sex/to have sex

Maria asked Elliott is he wanted to make popcorn with her

by s-mill May 30, 2007

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Popcorn Muscles

A weak bodypart.

Will Waterman has popcorn muscles and a popcorn knee.

by JC Chaze January 20, 2009

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Popcorn Muscles

When your muscles are big and strong but you don't know how to use them.

"All those muscles are popcorn muscles, he's soft."
-Brandon Marshall on Joey Porter

by ninedeuce November 7, 2008

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Popcorn Shrimp

A tiny penis with an erection that resembles an upward curled popcorn shrimp.

Dave was full on popcorn shrimp for the new Halo game, months before it's release.

by Wizard Toast October 12, 2010

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