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Random pasta

Industrially-sized pasta, with random sausages, meant to be eaten in random moments. The sausages are usually hand made with leftovers, better if coming from a friend's fridge.

"so, what we gonna eat today?"
"hmmm... dunno, random pasta?"
"sounds good, I've been collecting leftovers since three days"

by drf__ January 26, 2010

Randomize Chatting

When somebody writes random things in the Facebook chat to get someone's attention,to piss them off or just because they're bored. When randomizing the person will end by saying exactly or I know.

Chris: I think so

Paloma: What?

Chris: I know

Paloma: I don't understand

Chris: Exactly

Chris was randomize chatting to get Paloma's attention.

by Richard Castle III June 20, 2011

uncle random

Uncle Random is like kids TV directed by David Lynch . He’s that family friend who’s not actually related but you wish he was . He’s the cunt who says tells you things your parents should have . He’s a heavily medicated cunt but never hides it and that’s why people love him . Uncle Random swears way too much and makes you laugh at things you really shouldn’t

The c word is the worst word to be invented i can't even type it out i hate it that much it makes me go all Uncle Random

“Shut up you dumb cunt”

by Uncle Random January 6, 2019

Band Random

(adj): Band Random, simply put, is the culmination of inside jokes, peculiar traditions, and all of the zany & funny occurrences that happen during rehearsal. Those in band talking about their misadventures will often highly confuse those who aren't in band, leading those out of the loop to classify the subject of conversation as abnormally random. These "abnormally random" topics are therefore classified as Band Random; more random than normal yet not as random as an acid trip.

Jenn: Hmm, Nikki's status says, "French Horn section + foam swords, battle axes, & maces + water gun + bubble tea after rehersal = FUN NIGHT!"
Danielle: Whoa, that's Band Random!

by ILessThan3Band September 8, 2010

Random Glaze

When someone starts dissing u for no reason or starts dick riding u for no reason

Josh: David ur so ugly “out of nowhere
David: Random glaze

by fwdemifr October 3, 2023

random encounter

The biggest annoyance out of any RPG when you're exploring the overworld or a dungeon.

Pokémon did away with random encounters starting in Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, but they may still have the potential to bring them back in future games.

by The Real Driller April 10, 2022

Random Wizard

fat loser who makes shitty videos

did u see Random Wizard’s video today? it was dog shit!

by stagegoat69 November 6, 2019