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Rectal suicide

When you knowingly eat overly spicy food knowing full well of the lava ass you will receive the next day.

I couldn’t help my self last night… I knew I was committing rectal suicide but that four horseman hot sauce blend is so good.

by Mungtongue February 7, 2022

Rectal Investigation

Anal body cavity search performed during a traffic stop by police

Pulled over for speeding, Willie soon became the target of a lengthy rectal investigation in the officers futile search for crappy contraband.

by Rayngel November 6, 2020

rectal creature

Is someone who is socially awkward, Weirdo.
This phrase is originated in Hebrew - Yetzur Me hatahat
Yetzur - Creature
Me - From

hatahat - The ass

Can be used in a simpler way :
Creature from the ass

Rectal creature is using medical reference for more

sophisticated insult.

"Look at this weird looking dude! he's such a rectal creature!"

"Look at this weird looking dude! he's such a rectal creature!"

by Excel265 June 21, 2014

Rectal clap

When you are sucking in air thru your ass to make a fart but you push out your muscles while holding your butthole open. It makes a clapping sound and makes a rancid smell.

I was gonna butt suck but then I felt my butthole stay open so instead I just had some rectal claps.

by FigaroFrank August 1, 2017

Rectal urges

When one has the random urge to have their rectum sensationally masturbated or fucked the shit out of. This could be with fingers, a dildo or an erect penis.

Adam had the most severe case of rectal urges ever. He got a dildo and went up and down on that shit until he jizzed.

by Oggy Nelson February 4, 2022

rectal deputy

See: wordbutt pirate/word

Your uncle is my rectal deputy, Stan.

by Ragafin April 4, 2003

rectal hammar

The name givin to Somone who destroys recroms in a awesome way

Dude Taylor is such a rectal hammar dude he gave Bo a hammering

by Mcfluffin November 4, 2013