Source Code

capri salt

A hot sexy mama and everyone wants to fuck her

Mhm my names daddy camileri and i wanna capri salt aala in the closet

by pu33yde5tr0ya October 28, 2019

salted stovepipe

Snorting coke out of a hookers butthole

Guy 1: Remember watching Leonardo DiCaprio give that hooker a salted stovepipe? stovepipe cocaine

by Gap_tooth February 21, 2016

felix salt

the high sodium content of cat treats

i'd better not feed tiddles any more treats today, i don't want felix salt to affect her cells' osmotic uptake :(

by world health organisation October 10, 2021

Sentence Salt

An sentence enhancing curse word or multiple curse words used to enhance what is being said.

Example: "I just fell down the stairs."
Or: "Shit damn, I just fell down the fucking stairs."

Example: Well if you didn't invite him who did.
Or: Well if you didn't fucking invite him who the hell did?"

You: Who is this fucking guy with the shitty attitude?

Me: Dude what's with the sentence salt around the kids?

by DurteeD March 27, 2020

salt woman

a very evil being who will lick the salt off your balls and extract your soul through her vagina.
also known as pobooms mother

"holy fuck its her! lets get out of here!!" - Hakko
"nah lets just let her have her way with us" - fool
"fine have it your way" - hakko
"holy shit my souls gone! dammit" - fool

by Hakko April 15, 2004

18๐Ÿ‘ 12๐Ÿ‘Ž

Salt on the cake

An unneccessary addition or redundancy that is detrimental to ones overall enjoyment of the subject matter.

Guy #1: wow that woman's cleavage is beautiful.

Guy #2: and now she is taking her jacket off so we can see her... shoulders?
Guy #1: yeah talk about salt on the cake.

by WeaponTHPS October 16, 2010

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž


When roads are covered with far too much salt to melt the ice and snow and it gets all over cars and clothing.

My car used to be blue, now it is grey. They must have a-salt-ed the roads.

by Geo Joe January 12, 2011

4๐Ÿ‘ 1๐Ÿ‘Ž