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Sell the team Bob

Sell the team is referring to the Cincinnati Reds. Bob refers to the owner of the Cincinnati Reds. Also used by ex-Reds fans when the Reds lose.


by TheRealUltraJack299 September 28, 2022

sell dog

One who fumbles/sells the bag, effectively killing the vibe-- One who messes up and other people have to suffer the consequences.

"Come on guy you didn't bring the carty*? You're being a sell dog."

*See also, "carty," a cannabis cartridge.

by bootyhandled January 12, 2022

Selling hot dogs

When your favorite/least favorite nascar driver is either running multiple laps down, is out of the race due to a crash/mechanical failure, or when a driver is suspended

Dude, (insert driver name) went 5 laps down. He might as well start selling hot dogs if he's running this bad, lol

by Ayeskipp October 23, 2022

what are ya selling?

When someone does not hear another, this can be used to ask what they said.

Bob: "Hey Jim, did you see the game?"
Jim: "Huh, what are ya selling?"

by Cp98 July 1, 2023

your nan sells Avon

when your nan sells avon

when your nan sells avon

by that edp445 man May 27, 2022

Selling Pussy

The indirect transaction of money, possession, or a lifestyle for sex.

That shorty just got flewed out by an NBA player. She’s fasho selling pussy

by Bobcharles1234 July 18, 2024

2👍 1👎

hudson sell

A fucking Badass man with a big dick.It will make girls cry when they sit on it its so hard

Hudson Sell is amazing

by Savage Man 709 January 10, 2017