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Share law

What you are allowed to have

We have to follow the share law

by 459395 March 10, 2022

The Share Agency

The Share Agency is a marketing and advertising agency that raises awareness by bringing it directly to the consumers' hands through peer-to-peer sharing.

Did you know that you will get paid to share with the share agency?

by $hare Bear November 26, 2021

The Share Agency

The Share Agency is an advertising agency that raises awareness by bringing it directly to the consumers' hands through peer-to-peer sharing.

Person one: "Did you know you get paid to share with The Share Agency?"

Person two: " Oh really? Thanks for sharing."

by $hare Bear November 26, 2021

Sharing a cigarette

The act of sharing a cigarette with a fellow friend who is close to you and have a bond between the two. This makes one cigarette feel better than each one having their own

Me: Sharing a cigarette feels better than us having our own one!
my friend: ong bro

by Mechilcho November 30, 2023

such a share

when someone sends you a text or other form of electronic exchange that they came up with and you like it and tell them to share it

lol, that’s such a share”

by amy theresa August 29, 2022

Share a sweater day

get together with a group of friends on the last day of school before winter break and exchange sweaters

friend: "its share a sweater day, lets exchange sweaters"
other friend : "dang ok"

by caliberlylol December 19, 2022

Ghost Sharing

To secretly share a post to a different social media platform with different people because you don't want them to know you saw their post but you liked it enough to want to share it.

"I'm ghost sharing this post because the bitch who shared it hasn't returned my texts"

by Peenapple November 14, 2020