When you immediately get a phone call or text message from the same person EVERYTIME you update your status.
Meg: "I'm totally afraid to update my status on facebook now..."
Jill: "Why is that?"
Meg: "Every time I update it Joe calls or texts to comment on it... it's like he's status-stalking me."
One who peruses thrift shops and spends 50 cents (unless it's 50% off Mondays) on an item or items and flips the item(s) for thousands of dollars. Jacking the 'Status' of a wealthy person by means of knowing what shit is really worth.
Boss girl is such a status jacker. She just spent $20.00 on 15 pieces to find that they are potentially worth $20,000.00. She's going to do that every chance she gets, as soon as she comes back from her trip to visit L.C. Tiffany in her newly acquired time machine.
Monk status refers to the state of mind of ultimate chill-ness. Referring to one who faces any and all situations with an overwhelming sense of calmness. The term originates from the solitude and calmness associated with traditional eastern monk lifestyle.
Derrick: Hey David, hate to have to be the one to tell you this, but your brother has been having an affair with your wife...and shes pregnant with his child.
David: hmm, this will be a great start to their new relationship. And will allow me plenty of time to focus on various hobbies.
Derrick: A..yeah...are you okay David? I expected a much bigger reaction to the news.
David : Ah, young Derrick, I have recently achieved 'monk status'. I no longer allow petty drama to effect my zen.
Of or pertaining to an amazing/godly figure, typically not a celebrity.
Wow, that 100% on your Trigonometry Test is Ari Status.
When someone "likes" their own status on Facebook
John Smith is a status wanker
John Smith likes this
Slang for old fashioned telephone. In the Deep South, when it rang, a servant would pick up the receiver and say hello, isdatyou?
It rings, the answers picks up handle and says hello statue (is dat you)?
Daddy status is basically if you see a hot ass guy and basically your saying he daddy asf so you put him in your daddy status
Girl 1 - “ omg Do you see that guy”
Girl 2 - “ omg yas he is daddy status “