Tagging someone on Facebook when the person tagged is in the far background and not the foreground. This person was never intended to be in the picture.
"I can't believe someone obscure tagged half of my hand in this picture."
Is the response given after reading a comment or post made on social media believed to be sus or looked at with a side eye.The person is first called out by tag and then skillfully dragged with verbal can of whip ass for it.
Girl 1: Did you read the post that fake ass Nicki wrote about her bestie Michelle and her situation?
Girl 2: Yeah I read it but I wasn’t the only one because someone decided to tag and drag her phony ass over it.
to look at someone, and look away when they look back. then have someone look at you, and look away when you look back.
girl: *looks at guy*
guy: *looks at girl*
girl: *looks away*
guy: *thinks to self* eye tag?
When using a social media platform in which hashtags sort posts, such as Instagram, a person adds hashtags that are unrelated. Often for the sake of reaching a wider audience.
This in consequence renders the hashtag sorting system useless.
“Stop Tag baiting, this post is about how to change a tire, why did I find it in #cooking?”
The act of your toddler running at you and ramming their head into your junk at high speed.
My kid Toddler-Tagged me yesterday. Dropped me like a bad habit.
The act of purposely leaving off your id details, or tag, on a piece of work that identifies it as one of yours. Usually used when a client specifically asks for something that you have strongly advised against, but they insist.
1: Didn't you make this?
2: Yeah.
1: How come your company name isn't on it?
2: I don’t want to be associated with that train wreck so I invisi-taged it. Let us never speak of this again.
When you tag someone in your Facebook status just so they will be forced to like it, regardless if it involves you or not
Guy#1: hey dude Jason tagged me in his post and I don't know what the hell it's supposed to mean?
Guy#2: Oh Jason tagged you? Naw don't worry he's just tagging for likes