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Tall Man Syndrome

The case where guys who are substantially tall (6'2 +) are often very laid back, generally in a good mood, not aggressive. Basically, they have nothing to prove and are just trying to enjoy life. Becomes obvious when compared to some men of smaler stature who tend to pick fights with them and attempt to 'prove a point.' The opposite of Short Man Syndrome or Napoleon Complex.

You see that cute guy! 6'7...he's so nice and laid back. Tall Man Syndrome.

by jonny317 April 12, 2017

23πŸ‘ 58πŸ‘Ž

6 Feet Tall

A six legged insect called the "tall", that usually has eight feet. Found predominatly in N. Africa.

Steve Irwin: I found a nest of talls, and look at this beauty right 'ere, a six feet tall! These are really rare down under, they tend to live in north africa.

by Gumba Gumba August 4, 2004

12πŸ‘ 47πŸ‘Ž

Tall Frosty

This is a gourmet selection from Wendy's, similar to a chocolate milkshake, a frosty is a landmark in a fatty's diet. It not only calms the fatass, but also gives him a sensation of joy that he will never get from anything but food itself, (i.e., a woman will never give him this exhiliration). A "Tall" Frosty however is a frosty that is relatively taller than a regular frosty, but subsequently, doesn't exist.

Frank (Primary Fatass): Hey guys, let's go get a Tall Frosty.
Jordan (AlphaDouche): W..t..f...
Brandon (Wal-Mart Employee): That's hilarious.
Pat (SuperDouche): I hate Jordan.

by Botcherotchi April 25, 2005

1πŸ‘ 15πŸ‘Ž

tall skinny white dude

A tall skinny white dude is someone who meets that description. Men of this body type will often be hung so long, it is comparable to an average black dick.

That tall skinny white dude over there was uncut and reached so far, I can’t walk straight today.

by Cindersmrf July 16, 2018

38πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Tall Blonde VSCO Girl

A Tall Blonde VSCO Girl Is a VSCO girl who has assumed a leadership position in a VSCO Gang. A Tall Blonde VSCO Girl will usually have a boyfriend for about 2 days at a time. After the breakup a Tall Blonde VSCO Girl will post an eye picture on her VSCO account.

Man that Tall Blonde VSCO Girl tried to hit on me!

by VSCODestroyer September 24, 2019

Young and rich tall and handsome

Famous line said by THE Ricky (RIZZCKY) β€œyoung and rich tall and handsome,I’m charisma boss baby Ricky” 😜 (STAN zb1)

Sees a blonde guy in a black suit with a tattoo OMG HES β€œyoung and rich tall and handsome”

by Sung hanbins pookie July 19, 2023

Tall Poppy Syndrome

Australian Slang for someone who has a high ego and needs to be brought back down to his peers through put downs.

Trent was suffering Tall Poppy Syndrome and he was long overdue for a put down or two.

by thisaussie55 October 18, 2010

31πŸ‘ 196πŸ‘Ž