The propensity to never be satisfied with the geographical location that one resides. One may reside in many diverse locations, yet the yearning for new sites burns deep within them.
Jessica has Geographical ADD. She has traveled to 30 different countries and she still doesn't want to settle down somewhere.
What the heck with Samsung keyboard
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The web address I, myself, and everyone on this website that has created a definition goes through to make one (without the spaces btw since you cant include links in the examples but also have to include the name of the definition in the example thingy space)
Kyle: How do you make a definition on
Butters: https: // my .urbandictionary. com / add . php
Now's your chance to add your own!
An, eccentric way to simply say yes when offered. Can be compared to replying to an offer by saying yeah,duh or of course! etc. Can also be used in different manors such as agreeing with your homies statement, {Refer to example 2 for a better understanding of it being used in this context.}
Example 1:
Guy 1:My girls coming over after the she leaves the tanning bed, shes with ole girl she works with with them thighs, should I have my girl try and bring her over when she come?
Example 2: shiiitttt, add cheese too anything to see that box. again!
Example 2:
Person 1: Those new challenger hellcats are nasty,
Person 2: mhmm 545horse power with cheese and all that, bet.
like coc block but the opposite of it. your friend is “coc adding” for you to help you pull.
friend 1- precipitate you for coc adding for me
friend 2- yea no problem
when stain wants you to add to chrome
yes add to chrome