massive wiener syndrome is a medical condition that gives peepo massiv weeners it I s not often found in peepol with the name lucas
massive wiener syndrome
Someone who is not too smart and usually finds themselves in a predicament of their own doing. The said person ends up looking like a fool.
Doug is such a massive gumby. He saw this cop bust someone last week, then this week he tries to sell her some weed. Duh!
I fuckin came on massive honkers badonkers milkers
Massive rotating balls god is uhhh ummm
A measurement of the people power used by large crowds, usually thousands in size or bigger, to resist the forces of authority, usually police forces but also military forces; the protest at Portland in 2011 being an exemplar.
Earlier Mayor Sam Adams threatened to close the camp. Portland Police Department officers were ready to close parks for protesters, but having faced massive resistance they had to retreat.
I’m in the romtown massive
Oh shit sorry g you must be hard