Someone who suffers from chapped dick syndrome is ridiculously horny, even horny for the smallest things. This is because when you have a chapped dick, it's painful to masturbate and it's advised that you hold off on jacking off until your chapped dick has healed. So during the healing time, since you can't jack off, you feel extra horny for even the smallest of things that aren't sexual (like a woman mowing the lawn or walking her dog, etc). Hence, chapped dick syndrome.
Chad: "God, I love when women read. It turns me on!"
Jim: "Ah, you got chapped dick syndrome, huh? Don't worry. Just give it time."
Dry, flakey and sore anal cavity.
Ive just taken a shit and it hurt like fuck! I need a shower now ive got chapped bumhole on a never before seen basis!
A know-it-all with the ability to be conversational. The ability, by itself, can also be referred to as Chap GPT. Term attempts to be gender-neutral, like 'dude', can't always control perception
Bake: What matters more, the process or the results?
Cake: See, I'm pro-results. Hear me out, so life teaches you that you can't depend on results because they're not a reliable source to direct your sense of trust or direction within the universe, but you also can't live hungry and foolish. So, it depends on circumstances, nuance-dabba-doo; but I like results, what about you?
Cake: Why are you Chap GPT ing?
An insult with no real meaning. If you are called double chapped, you’ll know you’ve been insulted, but not how you’ve been insulted.
Gavy: “Those girls are double chapped ngl”
"hi there chaps," said i, the one and only Sir Arthur the Seventh of Valarinum
the action of chapping another persons ass. Thus making them very annoyed and pissed off
that thicc nibba took my virginity. he gave me a real good ass chapping.
Person 1:omg dude its granny smith
Person 2:I just creamed my chaps