Source Code

Eiffel Tower

A very large object towering in Europe, also known as my dick

Look at my Eiffel Tower

by I-am-a-pizza July 22, 2015

34๐Ÿ‘ 47๐Ÿ‘Ž

tower hill

a stupid school which girls actually COPY THE PLASTICS like in Mean Girls. they have these damn rules like "wear pink on wednesdays" or else you won't be cool. THAT'S SO FUCKIN WEIRD! did they not see the end of mean girls or something? and they're rich as shit.

Tower Hill is full of snobs.

by HAHA SURE March 11, 2005

44๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

eiffel tower

The most popular tourist attraction in France.

Mom and I took some pics of the Eiffel tower.

by TidePodIngebrigtsen69 February 2, 2016

29๐Ÿ‘ 37๐Ÿ‘Ž

tower of power

tower of power is a custom game on halo 2 played on the map "ascension" with a turret set up at the tower.their are two teams and everyone has a shotgun. their are no shields meaning one shot-one kill.

the object of the game is to take over the tower and man the turret then mow everyone down below with the machine gun like it's d-day. your teammates protect the tower by hiding in corners and shooting anyone who comes near.

shotguns have poor range but high power.

their is one bridge to the right of the turret that is the only area where you can't be killed by the turret that is where everyone goes to get to the tower. the defenders usually jump down 50 feet or so and land on top of the attackers and sacrifice their lives to keep the tower.

this was not made by Bungie, but just made up by geniouses in custom games with specific settings that make it work but anyone can make.

if your mouth's are watering, then too late. halo 2 has passed it's prime from like 2006. you'll never find enough people to join nor will you find enough people who still know how to play it. everyone knew what it was back in the day.

guy 1: dude let's play TOWER OF POWER
guy 2: fuck yeah yeah oh yeah fuck me that games awesome oh yeah bone me!

by alsotryzombies April 1, 2009

43๐Ÿ‘ 58๐Ÿ‘Ž

twin towers

The trademark and much loved feature of the old Wembley Stadium in London. Sadly demolished to make way for a new facility

Yes we all know Wembley needed to be redeveloped, but did they really have to demolish the twin towers as well?

by black flag May 31, 2004

37๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Tower of power

1/ A large penis
2/ A gas storage tower of the type that rises and lowers with the usage of gas
3/ A radio station aerial
4/ An Oakland area funk band

1/ Tom's well endowed but Harry has the Tower of Power.
2/ They must be expecting cold weather. The Tower of Power's at max.
3/ "299 on the medium wave, this is Radio City broadcasting from the Tower of Power."
4/ I went to see the Tower of Power last night. Who'da thought Oakland could be so funky?

by DDD3 September 11, 2006

37๐Ÿ‘ 49๐Ÿ‘Ž

Eiffel Tower

This happens when two people are high fiving each other, but one person just stands still with his/her hand up and the other person does all the moving to high five person 1.

Itchy: High Five!
*Scratchy stands still with his hand up
*Itchy moving towards Scratchy with his high five hand of doom.
Itchy and Scratchy: EIFFEL TOWER!!! :D

by azndude1130 April 28, 2011

104๐Ÿ‘ 159๐Ÿ‘Ž