One of the coolest person you will ever meet, jack of all trades one can say, he's incredibly funny and will never let you down, he's also very supportive and loves helping people, if you got any troubles, talk to him! he's crazy similar to a counselor, and can be one of the best friends you could ever have your whole life!
But be careful though, don't make fun of his name, or you may not see the light of day again....
Oh my god, Wei Cang is so good, I wish he was my boyfriend <inserts dreamy eyes>
Refers to a creater of anime waifu and also wanks alot
He is a Hao Wei, i saw him wanking in his room yesterday
A Hao Wei is usualy someone who is nice and chill. He can also be badass regarding he may be a badass commando verteran.
A very muscular and handsome man. He must be really cool
Oh look at him, hes like a hao wei.
Yeah i wanna be fucked by him in my pussy.
is a person who always take the L in Valorant but sometime get a Dub every 1/5 times each game. He is a person who is stuck in Diamond 2, he sometime reach Diamond 3 but go back down to Diamond 2. But if he Lock In, he can achieve great things it's just once he finally feel the power of Griddy, he can finally unlock his full potential of MUI but he will get clap by Beast Gohan.
Joven Chan Wei Kai: Ima LOCK IN!!! (Lock in music plays)
Friend: Aite show me
Joven Chan Wei Ka: "Dies in game" nvm
Friend: Damn you got clapped hard maybe next time I guess
Joven Chan Wei Ka: Thats it BIDENNNN BLASTTTT
Friend: wait no you doom us all (The whole universe destroyed except for Beast Gohan)
wei is a term to describe a young homosexual male with beautiful features unlike any human. wei is a very lovely person and loves to play with himself
wei is a pretty guy
A term for a person who is a Racist, sexist, homophobic, misogynistic and a bitch.
She's such a Wei.
Wei's (plural form of Wei) are quite common in this era.