Slave runners are slaves that escape captivity/ run away from their owners.
Chains on my friends' necks like slave runners
2๐ 2๐
the best character in!
liek omg, it's teh homestar runner!@111!1!1one!!
6๐ 19๐
A term used to describe a skinny or gaunt body type in an online dating or chat profile. Mostly used by gay men (but not exclusively), the term does not actually refer to the lean muscular frame of sprinters, long distance or marathon runners, etc., but rather is a euphemism for an extremely slim body, often tallish, with little or no tone or muscle definition, i.e low body fat, but unfit. Compare with other disingenuous sports related body type euphemisms like linebacker build or football player build (fat), and contrast with swimmers build (toned or athletic body type).
29, 6'3", 140 lbs., br, br, trim, runner build, 8"c (NOT AOL inches). Sane, stable, software engineer. Mature for my age.
4๐ 11๐
The Michelin Man without the steroids.
Homestar runner is kinda kooky
7๐ 25๐
a guy from an awesome site. the site rocks, but not because of Homestar. Its the people AROUND Homestar.
6๐ 21๐
A speed runner is a person who normally can beat a game at a very fast time, and because of it become big headed sometimes and think they are the shit, and become a dick head.
Flippy: hey do you speed runner of the Super Mario 64
Paracusia: Ya dick head i can beat the game faster than you can get a girl
4๐ 14๐
when a female pass you on da street and she runnin and her booty look reaaal good
dayumm look at dat fine piece a ass right thur. she got some runner butt doeehhhhh
4๐ 14๐