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Bisexual person is a person who likes both genders men and women and it's not a phase sometimes it is but most of the time it's not.

Hi, I just wanted to let you know that I'm bisexual that's means i like girls and boys and my it's not a phase.

by True god handler August 19, 2020

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Bisexual is when you are sexually
attracted to both men and women.

She is bisexual, even though she has a girlfriend, she is still attracted to men.

by the_dp_lover June 2, 2018

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The ability to shove your hand down someone’s pants and be satisfied with whatever you find

I am bisexual. I love all genders (please read the bisexual manifesto for the love of god-)

by Coffee Biscuit July 12, 2020

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A person who doesn't care about making out with a guy or a girl at a party.

Aloe has a crush on Moses, but she also likes Crystal, so she's bisexual.

by Betty Jo October 13, 2018

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An awsome unicorn magical being who likes both female and male species not because its a trend, not because they are confused but because they are much more than a human being, they are great magical beings

I like girls and boys so im bisexual

by THEEEBiwife May 20, 2021

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Bisexual is someone who is attracted to both genders (female and male). This dose not mean that they can decide witch gender they prefer, it just means that they would enjoy "being with" either gender. IT IS NOT A FASE!!!!

"i used to like jack but now I like Kendra"
"Did you hear about Sally and Marley dating"
"I thought that Sally dated Brook before"
"Well, I guess Sally's bisexual"

by Natalie Prince May 7, 2018

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Bisexual means someone is attracted to both genders. No it’s not a phase if you’re 100% sure. Ex: You might date a girl but then a boy.

Oh my god did you hear β€” is bisexual?!

by All of you fucking suck June 24, 2019

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