Hunter ash is a nice kid who hangs out with a bunch of assholes
Unable to fly because of the ashes from the Iceland volcano. Like "snowbound"
I am ashes-bound and cannot fly back home to Norway. Thank you, Iceland (sarcastic)
When you hit the bong, and there is no raw herb left in the bowl, just ash. Usually extremely harsh on your lungs.
Fuck man, I think I just toot an ash hit!
A condition when after smoking cigarettes or cigars, your fingers smell like burnt cigarettes.
Adrien: "Hey Kelly, wanna go out for a smoke break?"
Kelly: "Nah, I don't want to have ash fingers."
Gay ass hoe that sucks dick all the time. He never gets any girls and his mom is a prostitute.
Your an ash rose
So unbelievably sexy, best ball knowledge itw, highly intelligent is better than evan lewis in every way.
Another definition for a male's nob cheese
That Mark Swinno just swallowed that lads bell ash!