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biddly bopper

A biddly bopper is someone who is serious messing around and being a jerk, or a huge inconvenience. They try to ruin every ones day, and can almost always succeed.

Man, that guy is a real jerk. He must be a biddly bopper.

by Ben D. Slinky February 21, 2017

Corn Boppers

Country people who live out in the middle of nowhere with VERY annoying THICK country accents.

Her town is filled with corn boppers. TT.TT

by YochixB October 18, 2009


Someone who is incredibly silly, foolish, or in other words stupid. Specifically the type of person to be ignorant to the situations around them even when their peers are relying on them.

"That teamy-bopper didn't pull his weight"

by June 19, 2024

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bangin bopper

A really really good song.
A Banger and a Bop.

Wow, Dazed and Confused by Led Zeppelin is a bangin bopper

by adlam cunry December 5, 2019

Biddy Bopper

Someone who quickly bops from one person to the next.

She/he is a biddy bopper always jumping from this person to the next so what do you expect?

by Mini Mya December 5, 2019

Disco Bopper

A thot or hoe who sucks a lot of dick and plays with men

Look at brittney she’s such a disco bopper

by Yomomma8 April 12, 2019

bopper crush

An infatuation with a teenie bopper or teeny bopper, a female minor, or anyone at less than or equal to half of your own age. The opposite of a cougar crush.

Thad: Hey Lance, why weren't you at the bars last night?

Lance: Oh, I was just surfing the internet for new pics of Miley Cyrus.

Thad: Is she your new bopper crush?

by FatPointScheme October 26, 2009