Chloe is the name for a girl in which she Is a lieing, cheating, playing bitch. She will use you in any way possible to get what she wants "preferably sex, considering theyre whores" whether it be pretending to love you, getting back with her ex multiple times and running back saying it's a mistake after shes fucked him, or all of the above plus some. Do not trust most chloes because they are very well minded manipulators that will rip your heart out, shit on it, put it back in, and will continue to repeat it untill you realize shes a cunt. *Beeb: bitch, envied, ex, bye.*
Dude you two look so happy how are you guys?
We broke up so she could fuck her ex and come back saying she was inlove with me only to leave again after a week.
Oh.. wtf man shes such a Chloe!
11๐ 33๐
The belief that the key to immortality lies within the glass eye of a 37 year old postal worker.
Mark: Dude, im a total believer in Chloe.
Stan: What the hell ?
Mark: GOSH your such a skeptic.
36๐ 137๐
crazy, psycho, violent, lair, backstabber, gay rapist, ragging lesbian, has a UNIBROW, tries to trololo, but trololo nots, tone deaf, converter, carpet muncher, horrible fashion sense, dresses like a lesbian hippie, werido
person 1:"Is that Chloe?"
person 2:" No it's a GIANT UNIBROW!!!!!!!!!!!"
20๐ 70๐
Chloe is a girl with many personalities. She needs alot of attention, and tries to get it as much as she can. She flirts with every guy she can get. She is a very desperate girl not only for boys but friends aswell. Alot of people hate her and the rest thinks she's annoying. She is very ugly. She has a messed up body shape with saggy boobs. She has 2 diffrent personalaties, one online and other in person. Shy offline & on she is very hyper and outgoing. Always looking innocent and pretending nothing happend in reality. She's a big backstabber, never trust those girls.
chloe: I didn't do anything...
girl#1: flirting with my ex and backstabbing me is nothing? Yeah alright.
18๐ 62๐
Chloe is the kind of wife you want. She is a dick, possibly the ultimate dick. Chloe will make you fall off chairs laughing, and if not, she'll kick you off. Chloe is thoughtful/intelligent, like for example she may pretend to be pregnant on the tube to get a seat offered to her when hungover. Chloe does not waste a penny so she pays in copper coins at self-service machines in supermarkets- afterall it would be stupid to throw copper coins in the bin. Chloe is a fair person and can therefore find reasons to dislike most people. If she leaves out a more specific reason for you, don't worry, one of her sweeping generalisations will cover it. Chloe is a saint, she is The Giver, and even has one up on mother teresa with her pity sex. Chloe will protect you at all times, like when she goes home before you with all of your friends to ensure your house is clear of intruders while you are walking home alone in the dark drunk at 3am. Chloe is very generous- she'll shout you dinner when she wins the lottery, over a certain amount. Chloe is very sweet before she punches you in the face, but given how easy it is to infuriate Chloe with backpacks, slow movement, stupidity, most accents, religion and niceness, you probably deserved it and should've known better. Chloe is very informative and knowledgable so she'll certainly let you know if this is the case. You wouldn't say Chloe is a cunt, but she is. She's a sickcunt and she doesn't even know!
Stranger on tube; "Would you like my seat miss?"
Chloe; "Yes, thank you, you're very kind. My back was getting sore from supporting this slightly fictional bundle of joy I'm yet to bring into the world!"
by-stander on tube; "Christ, really smells like stale rum on the tube today!"
12๐ 38๐