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Coochie Carnival

When you go to a gathering and there are only females. This can also mean when a bunch of lesbian girls get together somewhere, it is called a coochie carnival because they are all playing with each other’s coochies.

Hey Lauren, did you go to Casie’s party last night? Yea it was a total coochie carnival. Hey, look at those lesbos Kelly and Kaitlyn over there, they look like they’re going to have a coochie carnival.

by Chris Freier March 7, 2022

coochie cover

A woman’s underwear

Damn her coochie covers are nasty af

by Im200%nigga April 3, 2022

coochie man

gangstas paridise starts*

lmao he is coochie man

by lmao good boi November 2, 2020

coochie nectar

The liquid that comes out of a women's vagina otherwise known as pussy juice.

Last night I drank Rebecca's coochie nectar

by xXcoochie_nectarXx March 11, 2019

Coochie Sand

It’s when you get sand in your coochie and you don’t want it their. Like that’s sum nasty shit.

Brittney: Damn, I got sum major coochie sand
Abby: Eww, go take a shower!

by Autumn_Baby October 11, 2021

coochie killer

The self-given name for the guy at the gym who thinks he's the shit, but usually isn't.

Jason: I'm the coochie killer...
Everyone else: ...

by 2legit2queef February 23, 2021

Swamp Coochie

Wetness that a female gets from excessive perspiration around her reproductive organs. Wetness not of the pleasurable kind

Amber had been working all day and had developed a bad cause of swamp coochie.

by Chumlord August 24, 2019