An exclamation of astonishment, shock, awe or even sympathy at the sight or upon learning about something gruesome, terrible or just plain fucked up that is or has happened to someone else.
Can also be used in the place of "Dammit!" or when all of your plans have been foiled.
<Watching a scene in a horror movie>
<The evil monster has just ripped the throat out of yet another unsuspecting victim...>
Jane: Damages! Did you see that?!?
Mike: Yeah... you know that's gonna leave a mark!!!
Damage is not the same thing as pain.
The girl wasn't causing anybody pain, she was causing real damage to lives, families, and homes.
An Evening Damage is a very large shit you have after you've had your tea (or dinner/supper depending where in the country you're from!). It is generally one that's hard to squeeze out, but when it does, it makes a very heavy plop as it enters the water.
FRED: I'm just off to the toilette to offload my evening damage.
JOEY: OK have a good one!
drop the kids off at the pool restock the lake with brown trout lay a cable build a log cabin
This is when a woman whom has kids with another man wants to wait until marriage before ever having sex ever again with her successors.
Look at this fuck-shit meme, it says "I am a single mother with two kids. However, I will wait 'til marriage to have sex again." TF?!?!! Is this some T.D.C. (Thot Damage Control) and shit?!?
What is critical damage well, Critical damage stands for someone or somebody who starts chaos wherever they go
Jennifer Lopez is critical damage because who else is around her it's critical damage too
When the passing of poop has serious potential to damage the ceramic bowl of a toilet or destroy the whole sewerage.
When you know that the poop is going to cause a level 8 earthquake but you're ready for it
I'm off to damage the dolton, sorry to anyone that uses it in the next month
Damage that is so shit it is worth being attributed to Will. How can someone hit that bad damage bruh.
Person 1- yo I can't kill anything in this game
Person 2- how much damage you hitting
Person 1- 1 damage
person 2- That's Will damage no wonder