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dookie cookie

n. Similar to the ookie cookie. After chugging some ex-lax (or eating a chewable ex-lax tablet), a group of guys stand in an out-facing circle. A cookie (any variety) is placed at the center of the circle. The guys assume a squatting position so they each cover a portion of the cookie. The goal is to not be the first guy to unleash his stanky fudge onto the cookie. The first guy to have an assplosion onto the cookie must eat the cookie, but only after all guys have drained their colons. For added fun and excitement, participants should consume large amounts of corn the evening before they partake in the Dookie Cookie.

Tim: "Man, I sure am hungry for a snack!"
Matt: "Here, take some ex-lax and join the circle. If you are the first to shat, you can have the dookie cookie!"

by BullMaster March 25, 2008

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dookie time

In jail, when an inmate throws his feces around a common area in order to lure guards in so that he may fight them.

You best cover yo head nigga - it's dookie time

by SpongerAtHeart October 30, 2007

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pookie dookie

a well rolled blunt, OG that has browned to the point where it looks like poop- hence pookie dookie

this tha real pookie dookie knowwhatimsaying

by 812 big dick April 12, 2021

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Dookie Dreamer

A sexual act where a girl is sleeping with her mouth open, then the guy poops in her mouth and duct tapes it closed quickly. This usually results in quite the funny face when she awakes.

Guy 1: "My great aunt fell asleep in her rocking chair so I gave her a big dookie dreamer. You should have seen the shit fly out of her nose when she woke up."


by The Dream King November 12, 2009

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Dookie Chunk

1. A chunk of fecal matter.
2. Anyone who is being mean.
3. You.

You are a dookie chunk.

by Travis Johnson June 20, 2003

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dookie maker

A butt, ass, or fatty. Usually only refered to as 'dookie maker' if it is of considerable size, because if its not, its not worth mentioning.

(As a girl walks by)
Damn! You see the Dookie Maker on her?!?!?

by JeremyL May 6, 2006

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lil dookie

Lil dookie is someone who can't control their bowels. This person sometimes has to dutch-oven themselves. Noodleworks can induce any lil' dook to go a pooping rampage.

"lil dookie did you eat noodle works?!?! you need to dutch-over yourself"

"lil dookie had to go"

"she needs to dutch-over herself!"

by Toasteeeee December 11, 2006

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