A bully, a relentless blood sucking bully.
Hugh: Is that Jolly? Isn't he one of those no mates guy?
An extremely fat, overly cocky, and loud walking whale. If you are a 'Hugh' with blond hair and more than 80kgs... please hit the gym and lose some weight you ugly bastard.
Broo you are such a 'hugh' hit the gym fatass
when the room feels a bit warm
“fuck me it feels a bit hugh in here”
Hugh is the destroyer of worlds.
A sense of fear struck me as I was shrouded by Hughs presence.
The most sexiest of men with the biggest cock coming in at 17 inches. He is also quick in the bedroom getting finished. He is 7’1 inches and is helpful as well. Kiss, kiss love u me
Person 1: Look at the size of hugh d
Person 2: I’ve heard his dick is big as well
Hugh is the hottest man you will ever see. Once you get to know him it will seem like a angel fell right on ur face. His soulmates name usually begin with a J. For example, Joanne, Josephine, Jocelyn, or JoJo. He’s super respectful and usually uses the words “yes ma’am”. He has a redd firey compassion for baseball. He usually finds his true love in his younger stages of life, and finds them later on…
Girl 1- BRO
Girl2- Whut
A man who is liable to punch you in the testicles
My testicles are very sore. It's a real Hugh dunnit.