Source Code

California earing


A cellular phone (cell phone) firmly affixed to one ear (especially when driving)

The car accident was caused by a woman with a California earing.

by MongledMonkey July 2, 2003

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ear synch

If you miss someone a lot and are away from them, you can both listen to the same song at the same time, and you will feel a deep connection to the other person, you will imagine what they are doing and feeling. It is different than talking on the phone. Both people get a strange feeling of bittersweetness and connection while the song is playing.

I miss Andrew so much since he is in LA. We ear synch sometimes to connect to each other.

by Angelacia May 2, 2007

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elephant ear

When ones' scrotum extends longer than their testicles. Thus causing an excess of skin to hang from their penis. This is a very common incidence for men past 25 years in age. The skin itself also may slap against ones' leg in the event on a high speed situation, and some loose clothing.

"Dude did you see that guy in the changeroom?" - Guy 1
"Yeah man, he had a huge elephant ear. You could totally see his overhang" - Guy 2

by elephant_ear101 December 7, 2010

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shut ear

Shut ear is a state or situation where a person can get away from noisy distractions and concentrate on the task at hand. It can be partially experienced in a park or remote place or bed or other quiet space or can be partially and artifically induced with ear plugs or in a soundproof booth. Shut ear is like shut eye only with a different sensory organ.

(1)I could concentrate very well on what I was doing because I got some shut ear.

(2)See you later. I'm going home for some shut ear.

(3)I threw my music player out in order to get some shut ear

by hasslejp March 15, 2006

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A game mostly involving putting carrots in the ears of unsuspecting people and then shouting, "ear-carrot!" that swept the nation in 2009 and early 2010. It was an adaptation of the less popular and less sanitary "Face-Cheese."

Some weirdo on the subway gave me an ear-carrot.

by Plural P July 26, 2018

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Ear rape

When your boss calls and screams at you for problems that you did not create. Usually your boss is crazy and doesn't know how to handle her own life. She lashes out at people in such harsh tones and loud screams it hurts your ears.

That bitch boss Susan just ear raped me for ten minutes because she was mad at Rhonda.

by Sneezymuffins April 18, 2018

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play it by ear

When you do not have a plan, or instructions. When someone is not going to follow a direction or plan, they are just going to figure it out as they go alone. The saying derives from a musician being asked "Do you know how to play the song....." . Although the musician has no music sheets or formal note instructions, since he/she has heard the song before he/she says "No, But I can play it by ear"

I child sitting at a piano figuring out them self how to play marry had a little lamb with no instruction is an example of "play it by ear"

The term now is used for all sorts of reasons, if your not sure how to do something, or what you are doing, but are happy to just figure it out as you go along.

What are you doing tonight? "I'm going to play it by ear"

by Know Stuff March 9, 2016

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