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Man Flesh

The flesh that only men have, down below the waist. girls like to suck on it.

Noo!!! Pleez don't cut off my man flesh!!!

by Harrold P merphy November 19, 2003

31๐Ÿ‘ 82๐Ÿ‘Ž

fleshed out

v. 1. phrase used by "urban" Christians to describe a Christian in temporal state of immorality; operating in the flesh.
Christianity uses the "flesh" to identify sinful nature that is attributed to all mankind. This is not extrememly common to the average person due to the seldom combination of inner city youth and a true Christian walk.

(a Christian says)I'm tired of seeing all the beautiful women go to the club with their hot, steamy, voluptuous....Oh, my bad guys I just got fleshed out there for a minute.

by barrettDC June 30, 2005

9๐Ÿ‘ 19๐Ÿ‘Ž

flesh box

Your gay coworkers terminology for a vagina

How does your girlfriends flesh box taste?

by Zzzzzzzzzzzzxzzzz February 9, 2019

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flesh syringe

a non-steril mans penis

i took the condom off to give that fat bitches asshole a hot shot of love potion with my flesh syringe

by oscarl January 13, 2009

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Flesh Drive

Another name for a mans penis.

Dude last night i worked my flesh drive hard

Awsome man.

by crazykev12 April 25, 2011

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Flesh Hat

Someone with a prominent (large) forehead.

Rihanna is a bit of a Flesh Hat

by the Fruitman October 1, 2009

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flesh tunnel

-meaning a big hole in ones ear because of pircing. you can see right through it.

whoah! that guy has a 6mm flesh tunnel!

by katox March 9, 2003

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