A place where spooge is stored, testicles.
He unloaded his spooge lockers on his/her face.
Stomach excessively full of pie
I filled my pie locker with desert
A person who issues locker assignments at a place of business or school.
Generaly an uneducated douchbag.
Person A: "Dide Geena issue your locker yet?"
Person B: "Fuck no! That bitch is a locker Nazi!"
PUMPING MEAT LOCKER!! Is a game where one player lays on they’re stomach on a couch and another player runs from one couch arm to the other while running over the player laying in they’re stomach until the laying player can’t take it anymore. Then they swap places.
My sister almost broke my back playing Pumping Meat Locker on the couch last night.
The end of the school year ritual where teachers and poor kids comb through the trash thrown out by other students as they clean out their lockers in search of usable school supplies for the next school year such as pens, pencils, and unused paper.
"Did you see the haul Mrs. Wright got locker diving? She ended up with about 5,000 pages of notebook paper, twenty binders, fifty five pencils and thirty pens!"
"Yeah, she's set for next years Algebra 1 math class."
That girls locker shelf is on point! Look at them boobs!
This is a famous rapper who is dropping tremendous amounts of hits. He has won multiple noble prices for his emotional raps
“Who dat”
“MC Locker