Like fuzzy logic, but comes from Nisha.
Potatoes grow on trees because potatoes are shaped like apples, which grow on trees. That's Nishy logic if I've ever heard any.
4๐ 1๐
The idea that anything can be applied to an alternative purpose, given enough effort. Generally used in the format of "Any ___ can be a ___ if you try hard enough."
Anything can be a dildo if you try hard enough; dildo logic, my dude.
Anything can be a fidget spinner if you try hard enough.
5๐ 1๐
(n) the sad, but true logic of a majority of gamers, usually ones that are known to commonly rage quit: if better than someone, opponent is a noob; if worse than someone, opponent "has no life;" if everyone is doing better, gamer blames lag.
First Match: *owns someone*
Typical Gamer: You suck noob! Return the game you scrub!
Second Match: *gets owned by another*
Typical Gamer: You are fat kid! Keep living in your mother's basement you no life!
Match Three: *owned by everyone*
Typical Gamer: Fuck this game! Fucking lag! All you kids suck! Just wait for my lag to be gone and I'll wreck all you scrubs!
Random that was in all three matches: This idiot's gamer logic is hilarious. He is so mad! *laughing*
4๐ 1๐
Systematic thinking process where you find a reason why something was not your fault, but rather the person who is blaming you for something. Only Swedish people can understand this higher level of thinking and it often confuses and irritate others
Normal guy: You droped my new phone you idiot
Swede: It was your fault so dont blame me
Normal guy: How so you fucking ass
Swede: If you would'nt have tried to take your phone back from me, I would'nt have had to try to keep it from you which was what caused me to drop it. So terefore it was your fault
Normal guy: Thats so dumb, thats swedish logic which im not Smart enough to handle
15๐ 9๐
In short, the opposite of logic.
It is the fundamental difference between men and women that makes understanding one another impossible. Men are born with logic, women are born with anti-logic; these are immutable and unchangeable differences. A man can not be born with anti-logic, nor can he acquire it at anytime in his life. A woman can not be born with logic, nor can she ever hope to acquire it at anytime in her life.
It is not possible for any individual to comprehend someone of the opposite logic. Many have tried and some devote their lives and professions to this impossible notion; they become very bitter and unhappy people.
Like matter and anti-matter, logic and anti-logic are contrary to the other. If the two were to merge into one, a black hole will form and destroy life on Earth. Luckily, like matter and anti-matter, logic overwhelmingly dominates anti-logic(99% to 1%), this is why humans have become as civilized as we have, else we wouldn't have made it past the first stage of our sentient evolution.
Often people are confronted with a member of the opposite logic and an argument ensues, inevitably ending the same way it started, in disagreement. But now you know why, so next time, it is the responsibility of the man to stop the woman from talking and explain to her that she is using anti-logic, a form of logic that has no merit in an argument. She won't understand of course but that is to be expected.
For an example of how logic and anti-logic is manifested between a man and a woman, you need not look any further than the first man and woman on Earth, Adam and Eve.
God gave them everything anyone could ever want; perfection. However there was an apple tree that God emphasized to Adam and Eve not to eat from, for it will surely screw everything up. Adam, (a person of logic), understands God perfectly ("Don't eat bad apple from tree = Good"..."Eat bad apple from tree = Bad") Eve however, (a person of anti-logic) had her own interpretation ("Don't eat bad apple from tree = Bad"..."Eat bad apple from tree = Good")
So Eve joyously skipped and sang her way to the tree, plucked and apple, and took a bite. And that's where man began to need many other new words such as: anger, stress, resent, depression, hopelessness, and many many more.
REMEMBER - It is futile for any man to understand a woman, and futile for any woman to make sense.
73๐ 65๐
The term "Scouse Logic" is applied to anything unsavoury or scummy suggested or perpetrated by somebody else. It comes from the idea that Scousers are, in general, the least human of all UK residents and behave like coke fuelled Nazi's at the best of times. Not all people from Liverpool are Scousers, but the ones that are should be easy to spot. The children eat nothing but pie and crisps, whilst their fathers regularly eat pavement and swallow their own teeth after picking yet another senseless fight. Nobody knows much about the mothers, you can rarely find them.
"We should drag that wrestler to the floor and give him a kicking."
"Seriously? You're seriously suggesting that we......ah, mate, that's Scouse Logic!!"
32๐ 24๐
A method of thinking used by police offers to justify their actions. It is often confusing and not understood by non police officers.
If a non white is outside then they must be committing a crime.
If they are committing a crime then they must be arrested.
If a non white is outside then they must be arrested.
cop logic 101
16๐ 11๐