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Platonic Marriage

A marriage between two friends whose relationship is strictly platonic

The twitch streamers ThatBakiri and Flawxen should get their platonic marriage legalized so they can commit tax fraud.

by NOT younicorn November 26, 2021

Marriage muscle

(Noun) The penis.

The wedding night: After a wonderful day, Winona wondered when she might get a peek at Walter’s famously huge marriage muscle...

by Tempus Fuggin Fugit April 1, 2021

marriage sick

The feeling when you start hating being nagged to marry or hear people getting married all around you.

After the whole season of marriages , he has become marriage sick

by Ishuwithnoissue May 5, 2016


Where a girl friendzones a guy so hard that she asks him to be her husband on Facebook. Generally one of the highest levels of friendzoneage.

Ally: Jacob, you're my best friend and I love you so much!
Jacob: Love you too.
Ally: Omg, will you marry me on Facebook to show our best-friendness?!
Jacob: *dejectedly* sure.
Jacob (thinking): I just got marriage-zoned. This is even worse than being friendzoned...

by Friendzoning Fiend June 30, 2013


1. Navigating the difficulties of marriage for the better of the whole and not just for you as an individual. Rising to the occasion and being responsible in your marriage,

Living up to expectations and the commitments you agreed to before God and witnesses.

2. When a person strategically weds above their pedigree.

Will and Jada been together 20 years couples need to get on that marriaging up!

by tvgurl March 23, 2020

Tax Marriage

Marrriage that is only for taxies

Tubbo: let’s get married for tax purposes

Ranboo: but-
Tubbo: Taxes
Ranboo: Tax Marriage :,(

by Boo :p August 25, 2021

Perfect marriage

Matt and Dyl

Matt and Dyl are such a perfect marriage. Matt’s a real trophy boy

by Shshjshsjss September 22, 2021