Where to start well South Miami must be the most terrible school in the universe. The students some if not all are complete fuck heads. Practically everyone has, had or will participate in the act of experimenting with drugs. It pains me to go this school. Never ever ever ever ever visit this school you will go in innocent and come out a druggie. I hate this school and everyone in it.
Person 1: Hey, have you heard of this school called South Miami Senior High School?
Person 2: *high* Yeah bro I went there and everyone smoked weed and well I tried some.
Person 1: Wow.
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Where half of the students are Cuban refs from Hialeah and the other half are more Cubans but since they live in Miami lakes they think they’re better . The classes are very easy and everyone is always high , usually half of the class is high . The law and digital media magnets are irrelevant and are only for the stupid kids that wanna be in a magnet . The iprep kids think they are cool Bc they have a laptop and honor classes and because they have a microwave. The football team is horrible, so are the cheer and dance teams. No one takes anything seriously in that school. The volleyball team is pretty good. And there are fights almost every day. There are A LOT of cute guys and a lot of people know and hang out with people from Goleman. Overall it’s a great and fun school if u like all the things listed above. WE ARE HML
I’m going to go to Hialeah- Miami lakes senior high school because I live right in front of it and my parent don’t wanna drive me to Goleman
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50% Recent Cuban Migrants (All in ESOL), 25% Black Kids (Mostly Jamaican), and 24.99% American gringos who try to act ghetto or black. the other 0.01% is recent European migrants (Aimah in I-Prep).
Everybody at Hialeah Miami Lakes Senior High school is high right now.
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April 19th is the day to clown the last place in the Eastern Conference and Ft Lauderdales favorite frauds Inter Miami (more like Outer Miami) and all the fans that jumped ships too
“Bro I can’t believe you left us for Inter Miami, It’s ok, you can clown me on National Make Fun of Inter Miami Day”
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A tattoo most often placed on hidden or abstract places such as armpits, inside the mouth or at bottom of the feets.
Commonly used by ladies of the night and unaware teenage girls
Jenny just got her brand new Miami Slut Tattoo inside her armpits
a normal handjob finished with a painful yanking,
miami tugboat it like a tugboat pulling
A school where there's a lot of drug addicts, wannabe gangsters, annoying nerdy kids, and RHLM fanatics, the school with the best fights, riots, and snacks being sold, vapes, weed, etc. when you join this school, you automatically become an RHLM fan or a wannabe gangster.
Jacob: Yo you heard David joined Miami Springs Middle School
Christopher: Yeah man, he is such a crackhead RHLM fan now.