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When someone (Ava) acts dumb or stupid

Ava is a Mong

by Ava the nonce December 1, 2019


A person who has a large ego and feels the need to boast about their achievements. A antisocial gorilla at times and portray themselves as a superior species. They go by the name Farooq,Farhan etc…..

“Oh look at that show off, what a mong!”

by CoonyManker December 16, 2021


Bradly Toms

I Just Did A Bradley Toms So I’m A Mong

by _ExXx_ May 22, 2021


Brad Toms

Brad Toms Equals Mong

by _ExXx_ May 22, 2021


English slang term for a simpleton, idiot or genuinely unintelligent person. A diminutive of the word 'Mongoloid'. Used in the same way as 'spastic'.

"Have you heard how he talks? He stutters and mumbles like a right mong..."

"I can't go down the pub in flip-flops, I'll look a right mong.."

by TheValeyard January 28, 2023


Pretty much a retard

The British Prime Minister Is A Mong

by Henry Glasglob May 26, 2019


a person who uses the p90 and goes banana

"fucks sake they usin p90s the mongs"

by DSNOOTS May 26, 2021