Someone that is so stupid that theybtake a shit outside, and then step in it.
What kind of a suck duck moron climb a tree to get away from a cat?
A person so stupid that they climb over a glass wall to see whats on the other side. Another example is a person that cant wrap their head around the fact to not be stupid.
Man 1: My god man stop jumping off crap you moron
Man 2: But I need to beat the world record of jumping off an object... The Grand Canyon.
A person who lacks common types of knowledge.
'That dude over there just ran infront of a car, he must be a moron.'
A person who screenshots the meaning of their name on Urban Dictionary and puts it on their Instagram Story.
He put a screenshot of the meaning of his name from Urban Dictionary. Such a moron.
A wonderful intelligent person who is very much loved by the name of Jacob.
Jacob, you are an absolute moron.