A sarcastic insult for somebody who tries to Photoshop their selfies to make them look tough.
Wow dude, nice work of not using the airbrush so your head looks like a rubber mask! You're an editing genius!
A person who has a ego so big, that they feel the need to call themselves both Professor and Genius and insist that others do the same
Student: "Good Morning Professor"
Professor: "I actually prefer to be called Professor Genius. Since, you know. I'm so smart.
Student: *Sigh*
Someone who is genius at the internets.
Example: Hey, look that guy, he can start his Netflix at his phone while connected with it on the laptop on stupid wifi. He is an internet genius.
Example2: Having an iPad in Eastern Europe makes you an internet genius!
some kids in prepuberty/puberty use to call themselves genius in Minecraft, Youtube, etc, by using an intentional perfect ortography and "being" a prodigy 10 years old kid that plays piano, is 1'85 metres tall, speaks 7 languages, is a professional drawer, knows programming, and most importanly: they have Asperger so they dont do jokes (all this bullshit is for winning a online girl and/or being an edgy/dark anime character).
IRL they are 13 years otakus Minecraft hackers, 1'65 metres tall, knows one language (maybe 2), draw stickmans and does Minecraft 2x2 piston doors.
online gamer girl: how are you mr_anonyrexgamerpro?
fake genius mr_anonyrexgamerpro: Hello, how are you.
ogg: how was your day?
fake genius mr_anonyrexgamerpro: Fine, I read a physics book all day, I drew an hiperrealistic drawing and I compose a new song in piano.
May 18th is a day celebrating all the geniuses in the world for merely gifting us with their presence amongst humanity. Rise up smart people this is the day for you! If you have a genius in your friend group/ family/ school you should treat them like god on this day!
Person 1: do you know what day it is?
Person 2: May 18th?
Person 1: it’s national genius day! So you have to be extra nice to me!
Person 2: oh god...
What Elon Musks mother calls Elon Musk to make him feel better about himself.
“It is degrading to call my son wealthy, I prefer the term “genius of the world” to describe him.”
Being obviously stupid; Acting dumb
Hey! Koleton your genius is showing.