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who dis

Commonly said from the Howard Stern Show from one of Howard's wack packs, "Crazy Alice." It became a huge fad afterwards and is a common inside joke when said on the show now.

"Who Dis?"

by Krazytaco November 22, 2006

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who da

1. A quicker way to say "Who the fuck is that?" or "Who's there?"

2. A sound of surprise and/or confusion

(originated by Bam Margera's father, Phil Margera, upon seeing alligators in his kitchen)

Friend 1: "I was talking to Jason Crisp the other day."

Friend 2: "Who da?"

by Crackbaby July 12, 2004

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who's on first

the most basic of facts (from Who's on First?, a confusing comedy routine that was done by Bud Abbott and Lou Costello)

Apparently, most politicians don't even know who's on first about citizenship.

by The Return of Light Joker April 8, 2009

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Says who?

An expression used to challenge the truth of a speaker's assertion when the speaker has provided no supporting evidence or reasoning and has thus left only his own questionable authority as the basis for acceptance.

Math Teacher: History is a useless subject.
History Teacher: Oh, really? Says who?

by Mesai January 3, 2021

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who joe

do not ask you friend

guy1: who joe
guy2: *it troll time*

by The_gus November 15, 2021

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Doctor who

Doctor Who is about a timelord from the planet Gallifrey. The timelords name is in known, but he refers to himself as "The Doctor". He saves lives ad fights off Daleks, Cybermen, The Master, etc... His wife is River Song and only she knows his name. River Song is also technically his daughter too, it's complicated. The Doctor travels with different companions threw time and space in his T.A.R.D.I.S (Time And Relitive Dimention In Space).

I with The Doctor was real!

I want to travel with the doctor!

Doctor Who is the best show ever!!!

by CharlotteStegosaurus September 22, 2016

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Whos The Boss

When you are fucking a girl in the ass and you punch her in the kidneys and ask her whos the boss. You do NOT stop doing this intil she answers the correct answer; Tony Danza.

"Whos the boss bitch?!"

by Mike Poppiti March 26, 2005

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