A drunken bitch that’s seeing double while driving and covering one eye. Known famously among her college peers.
A blonde haired crazy woman that flies down country roads with one hand on the wheel.
Don’t let One-Eyed Rubeye drive you home, unless you want a wild ride.
When you have intercourse with your or someone elses dad
I went over to bazzas and did the one eyed egyptian #DDTB
When one man gingerly rubs his P-hole against another man's P-hole.
During foreplay Devin one eyed butterfly kissed Frankie .
When a ladies vagina opens and closes repeatedly as if it was winking at you
Look at her one-eyed cunt !
Jacking off.
Beating the meat.
Jessica: I wanna watch something with you
Tom: you can watch a video I took of me tugging the one eyed snake!