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One who grew up under a rock or in a dark place; lacking social exposure; one who lacks a social life; one who is not very socially adept and feels uncomfortable or unfamiliar with many situations, experiences, and circumstances; being a jayme

Person 1:Babe you need to spend more time with me, stop being such a potato.

Person 2: I am not a potato

Person 1: you are a potato,accept it and become one with the potato.

Person 2:I am not a potato, explain how iam a potato

Person 1: you grew up under a rock, you seem healthy but are what french fries are made of that it tastes good but is not good

Person 2: .....

Person 1: I'm changing your name to spud


by bethepotato March 9, 2015

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A person who has characteristics, either physically or socially, that resemble those of a mentally handicapped person.

Roy: How was your date last night?

LeBron: Terrible. She kept talking to loud and chewed with her mouth open.

Roy: Ugh, she was a potato?

LeBron: Shit, yeah!

by Chiefy Jackson December 29, 2017

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A stupid person, a person who is slow in the head. Used to talk about someone when they make a mistake or failure.

yo that kid corey is a potato, he failed that algebra quiz last week.

by Jay island September 20, 2017

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A Potato


Person 1: "describe yourself in 2words."
Person2: "A POTATO"
Person1: "Bruh "A" don't count."
Person2: " you said two words Word one- A Word two-POTATO"
Person1:"bro whatever I don't care no moreπŸ˜’"

by Xx420Cali69xX April 20, 2018

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Being of two different races; mix. A potato's skin is a different color from the color in the inside of it.

Danisha: "She is either light skinned or a potato."
Danish: "Destiny, is you a potato or nah?"
Destiny: "Yes, my mom is black, and my dad is white.

by 2glam2giveadamn November 27, 2013

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An annoying young girl who tries to hard to be different, popular, and pretty. She is always trying to get people to talk to her whether this is through myspace, aim, or text message. She is, the pure essence of what gets on your nerves.

Susan: Hey, you want to go hang out with Haley!?
Tiffany: No, shes a potato, all she does is edit photos on her computer.

by blehda July 11, 2008

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a term used to describe Austrailian males who sits and fix their eyes on nothing, becoming a potato.

"He's such a potato!"

by Makyee December 25, 2006

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