A pest control worker who gasses termites to death. Kinda like Hitler.
"Hey Mom! The professional termite is here to commit pesticide!"
"You're making him sound like Bug Hitler, Jimmy. Stop that. He's a professional termite."
Born out of need to describe define a specific typ of conservetiv media talking head,
that rant and rave with little care about the arguments they are making.
Ben Shapiro is well paid professional idiot
If a girl, or group of girls, comment on how they've been "professional fishing", it means they've been masturbating.
"What've you been up to lately, GG?" I ask my friend in amusement.
"Professional fishing." She replies with no hesitation.
A form of simple business attire favored by IT workers that consists of unkempt hair, untucked shirts, loose jeans and sneakers or docs.
The boss wont care if you dress ghetto professional as long as you get your assignments done on time.
The kind of coworker who is completely useless to any component of their job. They accomplish nothing when they’re there and you’re actually better off without them. This person is worthless to the job that other departments know about them too. He may also fake being sick to get out of work. All they’re good at is taking up oxygen. They are the weakest link
Mike: where is joe?
Sam: he’s out sick again.
Mike: wasn’t he just sick like a week ago?
Sam: yeah he was.
Mike: that guy is professionally useless
A person who lick's feet, a kiss up, a punk ass spineless weasel who will stab you in the back, a dirty motherfucka. A sexual deviant. One who enjoys stinky sandwiches.
I wouldn't trust that mofo, he's a Professional Toe-Jam Taster.
A person who rants about something professionally.
The Nerd character from the James Rolfe's AVGN webseries is a good example of a professional ranter