The process of defecating in one’s mouth and then proceeding to have oral sex.
Richie said she let him Pseudo Anal her last night.
Pseudo-based When A secretly cringe person tries to say based things to appear based for internet clout, when really they are cringe.
"Aye yo remember how Michel likes to talk mad shit about simps and Onlyfans?:
"Well I just caught him subbing to his ex on her onlyfans!"
"Bruh He is Pseudo-based."
When A secretly cringe person tries to say based things to appear based for internet clout, when really they are cringe.
"Aye yo remember how Michel likes to talk mad shit about simps and Onlyfans?:
"Well I just caught him subbing to his ex on her onlyfans!"
"Bruh He is Pseudo-based."
Attempting to potray a false european appearance.
Sticking a bistro set outside a pub in the ghetto of England is very pseudo continental!
The Penny Black in Sheffield displays pseudo continentalism!
A type of draconic creature similar to a wyvern, however instead of having no front claws or front legs, the wings have elbow like structures and claws on the end of the wings, e.g. Tigrex from the monster hunter franchise
"I drew this cool dragon!"
"You know that's a Pseudo-Wyvern right?"
A genuinely decent person who plays the douche card to conceal their own inadaquacies or feelings. Usually tries to please everyone by making jokes that fall just short of the verge of edgy.
Broseph, I thought that dude Chad was a total dick, but he's just a pseudo-douche. He can come to the party tomorrow if he can handle his liquor.
When an obscure occupation needs professional title.
Laddie described herself as a beach drink scientist, and despite that it was a pseudo-occupation, she was still nationally recognized for her accomplishments in the field.