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Rattlesnake Rodeo

A sex act requiring a man, and a woman with moderate to extreme epilepsy. The man engages the woman in intercourse using the "Doggy style" position. He then turns on an overwhelming amount of strobe lights, triggering in the woman an uncontrollable epileptic seizure. He then has to try his best to continue intercourse AT LEAST until the seizure has passed.

It is believed this method was originated by Indiana Jones, in an attempt to rid himself of his crippling fear of snakes.

To make it more fun, the man can make several changes:
1. Beforehand, get her to wear a pair of novelty plastic fangs. This will make her appear more like a rattlesnake.
2. After turning on the strobe lights, superglue a baby's rattle to her lower back and/or ankles. This will produce a rattling sound guaranteed to get any snake enthusiast in the mood.

3. Perform the act in the middle of a desert or somewhere rattlesnakes can be found. Combine with #2 to attract real rattlesnakes and make it a bigger challenge to avoid being bitten.

Man: "Hey (epileptic) Sarah, you wanna wear these rattle-I mean vampire fangs and have anal sex?"
Sarah: "I *LOVE* twilight! That sounds sexy, lets do it!"
Man: "I tried to have a Rattlesnake Rodeo last night with sarah, but she choked to death on the fangs during her seizure and now I'm going to prison."
Friend: That sucks. You should have tried the Alligator Fuckhouse instead.

by indiejones May 11, 2009

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African rodeo

When someone runs up to an elephant and graps on to it's 5 foot long penis causing it to flail around, and holds on for as long as possible.

Dude shawn totaly won that African rodeo he hung on for a whole 8.3 seconds.

by Elephant DR. Dick October 22, 2009

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Kitty Rodeo

When cats, mainly related or at least of the same household, wrestle and roll around on the floor. In a somewhat violent manner. Resembles a rodeo event, but for cats.
Could also be two cute, young girls scrapping it out, maybe on the school yard or on the dance floor of some "trendy" nightclub where too many Ed Hardy wearing "doods" and douche-bags whip the young nubiles into a Jager-induced frenzy.

Dog person: Look! Your cats are tearing each other up!

Cat person: Relax, it's just a bit of kitty rodeo. Probably just a full moon out.

Ed Hardy wearing moron A: Bra'! Look at those pop-tarts go at it on the floor! Looks like a Kitten Rodeo!

Ed Hardy wearing moron B: Yeah! It's great! I can see that one girrrls snatch, she isn't wearing panties!

EHWM A: Tru dat!

by aspman November 28, 2009

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Ankle Rodeo

The act of holding someone in a leg lock, tickling the person's foot, and attempting to hold on as his or her leg kicks in reflex.

"...The fourth rule of Tickle Fight Club: no Ankle Rodeos."

by Unit113 December 14, 2013

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the tailbone rodeo

The Tailbone Rodeo - a sexual position. Performed when the male is entering the female then inserting thumb into anus. This gives the appearance of the wild rodeo ride.

To finish a great sex session I went for the tailbone rodeo.

by Mr. Lift August 22, 2009

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rodeo star

after a few mins of having sex you yell i have aids and jump on the person and see how long you can hold on for

babe i have aids
hold on cowboy its a rodeo star

by kimbim December 11, 2008

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Electric Rodeo

A sex move benefiting the woman. The guy is bound to the bed via handcuffs, rope, or zip ties while the woman rides on top. The woman then applies a stun gun to the guy's ribcage, causing him to thrust about in an unpredictable penetratingly pleasureful way, while simultaneously giving the woman a slight and pleasing electric shock to the vagina.

My man's ribs are so sore from the electric rodeo last night.

by Pone-Doggies April 10, 2011

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