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Shitty bumper

When u pull out of her arse and u got shit particles on ur dick

Pulled out her backdoor m8 and she'd only given me a shitty bumper

by Staffoffs74 December 26, 2016

Shitty Cat

A shitty cat is one that responds inappropriately to all stimulation. It growls when petted, refuses to cuddle, and spits at all people and animals. The only mood it is ever in is a bad mood.

Leah is such a shitty cat. She bit me when I tried to pet her.

by Flight nurse Jim June 28, 2020

Shitty Rig

Using the wrong stuff to do the right thing on a film set.

"I don't have a monopod, but I found this stick"
"Perfect, now that is a Shitty Rig."

by Bert Mayer December 7, 2014

Shitty Flakes

(n) The leftover fecal matter in the toilet bowl after flushing

I shit so hard, I have shitty flakes even after two flushes.
Shitty flakes is not a cereal.
Shitty flakes are bad to find in a public bathroom.

by ArchAngle June 11, 2014

Fuckin Shitty

1) To not feel well. 2) To get completely drunk. 3) To believe something sucks.

1) I feel fuckin shitty. 2) LET'S GET FUCKIN SHITTY!! 3) Yo, fuck this party this is fuckin shitty.

by K DubbsS June 18, 2007

Shitty comeback

You got roasted and in response, you made the most cringe, most shitty comeback known to man.

Person 1: You're fucking retarded
Person 2: Ur mom lol
Person 1: stfu. pls shut the fuck up. your Shitty comeback disgusts me

by MRMIDNIGHT0408 February 25, 2022

Shitty Shifter

The act of a lesbian going anal with any type of shift lever.

You should have been with us last night, Abby performed a shitty shifter in my pickup and now it smells like sweaty ass and anal orgasms!

by not batman... ok fine batman. April 18, 2011