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windy shrimp

Where a person goes to kiss another person, but instead of any application of the tongue they blow in their mouth instead.

"Dude, that Queen of Bagels there went in as if she were gonna slip me the tongue, ya know?"

"Yeah man?"

"Instead, that phreaky chick gives me the windy shrimp!"

"No way!"

"Yes way! She totally blew in my mouth!"

by Kreetofa February 26, 2006

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shrimp salad

To perform oral sex on a person of diminutive height.

I went to the little people's convention the other day and sampled the shrimp salad.

by Jeff July 21, 2003

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Dirty Shrimp

When you stick your finger in someones butt and it looks like a Shrimp before you clean it.

Tami stuck her finger up Hannons ass and gave him a dirty shrimp

by TamiPatUconn October 8, 2007

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shrimp trolling

occurs when a guy ejaculates in another guy's ass and sucks it out with a straw

Lance and Harold engage in shrimp trolling everynight while their wives watch.

by yo_daddy June 13, 2003

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shrimp toe

When the second toe is immensely longer than the big toe and curls over the front edge of a sandal.

You'll know a shrimp toe when you see one. Most commonly found at the beach.

by thatdamnasian November 8, 2007

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shrimp master

a man who has shrimp like facial features. mainly a shrimplike nose.

kyle, why were you born such a shrimp master?

by salty p July 11, 2008

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shrimp pibbly

a VERY small penis

Man, Kade is a shrimp pibbly!

by dontworryboutit56 November 12, 2018

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