Do it right
Pennsylvania street slang derived from Camel Crush cigarettes where one has to stab the filter with a nail to crush the flavor pellet.
Get it done
Order: Stab the Camel!
Reply: On it!
Another word for heroin scabs
You’re arm is full of heroin stabs!
Anal bum sex performed by a man with a beard to a prostitute
Shit. That guy with the beard proppa jobby stabbed that brass. He was jobby stabbing the cunt out of her.
Since the news freaks won't do it... I WILL!
Hym "There was a mass stabbing recently. 10 people injured. I haven't really been following it since it happened... Buuuut... NEITHER HAVE THE INTERNET NEWS FREAKS! That's weird isn't it? A little strange, you think? Why aren't the news freaks covering it? Well, they don't want to ban knifes, do they? They can't uses the story as evidence for the validity or necessity of their brand politics! So why would they report on it? I don't know what the final death toll is but you don't need me for that. You can just google it. But it's important to remember (when committing a mass stabbing) to use a serrated knife. As it makes the lacerations harder to stitch back together. Using the proper tool is important to maximizing your kill potential."
When you take any sharp object especially the sword of 2021 a medical stilletto knife known as a syringe needle and inject foreign chemical engineering agencts into unconsenting victims.
I don't want another stabbing death in my city or my caused by inappropriate gluttony and perversion of medicine
When your bro (manly friend) betrays you.
Yo man, i heard you got bro-stabbed by Carlson! I can’t believe he would spill your secret like that!
TECHNOBLADE IS GOD TECHNOBLADE SHIT MAN YESSS I LIKE YO STAB ORPHAN HEHE you can fucking say this any fucking time and nobody ducking will fucking care for fucks sake
“Technoblade says I stab orphan hehe”
“I like to stab orphan hehe”