For Americans: absolutely anyone who opposes your opinion in any shape way or form.
For Russians: a title given to someone who should be kept alive
1) "Cereal is a soup you dirty Communist!'
2) "We arrested a suspicious guy at the local bread stand, luckily he was a communists"
Any politician or person who has the slightest difference in opinion than you on political matters.
I don’t like how the premier did his job, what a communist dog
An incorrigible scoundrel who has a problem for every solution.
There goes Karl, the communist.
Something that the United States will eventually be, if it isn't yet. You can deny it all you want and many people do in fact deny it, but it cannot be helped.
Abel: Did you hear about Jeffery and Kelly?
Tasha: Yes, I recently heard that they are Communist.
Abel: They were probably Communist long before, but we didn't find out until just recently.
Tasha: That would definitely not surprise me at all and it actually doesn't.
Joe Biden is such a Communist he’s gonna turn this country into a Communist Dictatorship and I don’t like it
1. A political movement that distributed wealth amongst all citizens, preventing social hierarchy.
Most famously seen in the USSR, and modern China. The concept was invented by Karl Marx, and was described in his book "The Communist Manifesto".
2. A buzzword used in the 1960s by Americans, used to describe something you didn't like. Due to a collision of freedom of thought, and the tensions with the USSR in the east
1. "The communist Chinese movement, the People's Republic of China, lead by Mao Zedong defeated the Republic of China, who fled to Taiwan"
2. "That new neighbor, Susie, is so communist"
"All this fake news is communist."
"From each according to their ability; to each according to their need" as summarized by Jesus of Nazareth, Paul of Tarsus, and Karl Marx.
My Christian friends hate communists and I just don't understand it. Didn't Jesus saying that it is harder for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven than it is for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle?