Someone who is very gay and likes men
Lloyd hawkins likes men
A dumb banana Somalian pirate who is a banana and has received many back slaps from a guy known as Bishlal. Hugh is a great person who is better in many ways than darnish
Hugh Lloyd is better than darnish
All these definitions say Lloyd Banks is the next big thing..... yet i'm pretty sure this guy hasn't been around in 5 years
If a girl is called this she is probably a little weird and sings tellie tubbies songs to her science teacher. She will also complain about getting a detention for doing this
Leonie Lloyd: Tinkywinky Dipsy Lala and Po Telle-tubbies say hello (eh-oh)
Someone who is way too happy and thinks they know everything when they don't and all they do is make people feel worse
That clown is such an Eli Lloyd
He is very cool, handsome chap. Very strong also
Hayden Lloyd is cool