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Asian Ginger

a mix between an asian and a ginger creating a breed of human no man has seen before. The Asian Ginger population is growing although there have been few sightings of such people. Asian Gingers have been most seen in such places as Wonderland, the North Pole, and near the lock ness. They also tend to get aggressive when asked what they are and will not admit to being either race.

Emily: OMG! i just saw an Asian Ginger!!!
Courtney: yeah, sure! and i just saw a unicorn

by emcfield October 24, 2010

93πŸ‘ 25πŸ‘Ž

Asian mother

Asian mothers are the worst of Asian parents. They are the ones, in particular, who bitch slap you if you get a B+ and force you to wear the cheap clothing they buy.

They are the ones, in particular, who ignore all your A's in your report and punish you for just one B.

It is the Asian mothers that usually buy cheap clothing for their kids, and the writing on the clothing makes no sense at all. To make things worse, they put mothballs in the closet to make the clothes smell like shit. So, you're wearing a shirt that makes no sense, and smells ridiculous.

Asian mothers are worse than Asian fathers. At least Asian fathers are laid back a little bit more and can tell properly if your report card is good or not.

Damn it! My Asian mother bought me this T-shirt that says something about soccer in poorly written English.

by Screw Azn Parents August 10, 2008

111πŸ‘ 31πŸ‘Ž

asian girl

(1) a young woman from Asia

(2) A figment of the collective non-Asian imagination; people who appear to have heritage from a country within the continent of Asia, and as a result are subject to a slew of stereotypes from people around the world including (but not limited to) being exotic, innocent, submissive, brainy, hyper sexual, short, good at math, skinny, or foreign

(3) An identity created by people who appear to be of Asian descent, because no matter where they go outside of Asia they are perceived to be of an exotic homogeneous race; a term often used by Asian Americans to unify for political, social or economic purposes

(4) one of the most commonly searched terms adjacent to "porn"

(1) A: Did you meet anyone interesting at the party?
B: Yes, I met an Asian girl who just arrived from the Philippines.

(2) A: (walking up to a girl with straight black hair and almond-shaped eyes) I love Asian girls.
B: I'm Colombian.


A: (walking up to a girl with straight black hair and almond-shaped eyes) I love Asian girls.
B: You mean you love all the women from the dozens of countries in Asia who all have different cultures, languages, governments and economies? That's nice. I'm from the U.S.


A: I didn't study for the math test!
B: Just cheat off the Asian girl, Chung Lee. She has to be smart.


Puff Daddy: "My aim is winnin got Asian women that’ll change my linen after I done blazed and hit'em."

(3) I like to be around other Asian girls so I'm going to join an Asian sorority.


The Asian American Journalists Association created a scholarship for Asian girls who have bright futures in the media.


The Organization of Chinese Americans condemns hate crimes against Asian girls.

(4) One of the most popular search terms in 2007 was "porn Asian girl hardcore."

by momochacha February 26, 2008

803πŸ‘ 270πŸ‘Ž

Inner Asian

The feeling you get that makes you jump higher, press buttons faster, and play Dance Dance Revolution better than you usually can.

Derka: "Gee, you press those buttons pretty darn fast."
Danny: "Damn right! I've got my Inner Asian going on"

by Danny Ilagan -A fellow Asian May 29, 2006

54πŸ‘ 13πŸ‘Ž

asian beauty

That advertisement you get whenever you look up something on the urbandictionary, with a "pretty" asian woman posing.

*You are on your computer and your friends come over and click it and they're like "DUDE LOOKING AT asian beauty PORN???!!!

by Asian master May 1, 2015

22πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž


An asian who obtains straight b's on their report card and fail in their parent's eyes. Generally have an average gpa ranging between 2.83 and 3.33.

Currently I am a b-asian since my grades are straight b's.

by bang candy July 8, 2010

30πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž


describes anyone who like asian-related things

He is so asian-washed; he's a master at Dance Dance Revolution, collects all kinds of anime movies, and only dates asian girls.

by blakcherri08 December 3, 2004

66πŸ‘ 17πŸ‘Ž