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decently attractive

Some people's way of saying that you're ugly but you don't want to hurt their feelings

I did not want to hurt emilia's feelings so I said she was decently attractive .

by A very nice friend September 19, 2017


Alicia is the epitome of attractiveness

wow, so attractive

by teacuplover March 11, 2021


Someone who looks very good and drives your attention.
Ps. Its me
Pov.Its you

Person A:Omg, look how attractive that person looks!
Person B:I know, we should talk with them!
Person A:I heard theyr non-binary.
Person B:Every non-binary is attractive so damn much!

by ConfusedMay June 21, 2021



A woman is attractive

by What does attractive February 5, 2022


Appealing/pleasing to the senses
Having beneficial qualities or features

Bro, how is Traviz Druig so attractive???

He's the most handsome, beautiful, amazing, and appealing-to-the-eyes man you will ever witness in your lifetime. @braidyourdadspubes2.0 on tiktok for reference

by Dr. Grrrrrrr April 2, 2022


oliverz on discord.
who is oliverz?
the most attractive person alive.
how do i know that?
because his personality is attractive

person 1: whats the definition of attractive?
person 2: having an attractive personality, like oliverz.

by ezekiel/radz September 20, 2021


You! the person who is reading this

The person who is reading this is attractive

by Superkalifagilisticespiyalidot April 17, 2021