A shitty old car which expels dark exhaust fumes while in operation. Can often be used to describe the driver of the vehicle.
Christ, that turnip burner is chucking out some really dodgy shit. It's getting all up in my grill.
When you slather hot spicy stadium mustard on someone's forehead and they proceed to rub it on your taint, ass and balls.
"After the game the mascot gave me a ballpark burner in the dugout"
A somewhat derogatory term used to describe Ducati motorcycles, and all other motorcycles produced in Italy. It is a term based off of "Rice Burners", or what Japanese bikes were referred to as in the 1980's by riders of American motorcycles, particularly Harley Davidson bikes.
I was thinking about buying a pasta burner, but I can't afford the $3000 set of matching leathers.
an instance of passing gas in which the common sulphuric particles are much higher than normal, simulating the sensation that would feel like a person's lungs were burning upon inspiration (breathing in or inhaling.)
Something's not agreeing with my stomach, if I fart, it's gonna be really bad, possibly a lung burner.
Intense burning sensation you feel in your butthole after one shot of whiskey, usually is rectified after one to two more shots.
Man my first shot of whiskey was a real butthole burner.
1. Grab Erected Dick
2. Stick Sharp nailed middle finger down urethra hole
3. Stick as far as possible until the dick explodes from the finger blocking the cum from escaping
4. The dick will next split in two one side will go left and next goes right
5. Then the severed dick will emit steam like a Bunsen burner
6. Then proceed to call it a Thomson Burner at the victims eyes till they die from too much satisfaction
7. Then Freestyle That shit
Prepare dat dick it about to be demolished with the Thomson Burner!