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White in the Kitchen

1. Stoooopid... as in clueless like a "dumb blonde".

1. "Did you hear that girl Kimberlee flunked her algebra test!?"

"Naw man, i heard that girl be mad white in the kitchen!"

by iheartnickprotectorofsloresxxx April 25, 2010

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Kitchen Utensil

Slang word derived from sexist terms used towards women to state that women belong in the kitchen, although not used alot this term also is defined as a kitchen utensil as in the knife and or fork.

Hay what's that kitchen utensil doing ot of the kitchen?
I don't know man but she needs to learn her place.

by RBDtroll November 10, 2012

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Kitchen Witch

A slutty woman who spends adequate amounts of time in the kitchen.

"She's a dirty little kitchen witch."

by OGKitchenWitch December 9, 2016

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kitchen blister

A large gut that appears to be bursting at the seams.

Chester was already overweight, but after he ate 4 chili dogs and drank 11 Miluakee's Bests, his stomach distended over his belt like an infected kitchen blister.

by Unlce Snuffy May 25, 2011

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Soup Kitchen

A severe case of diarrhea caused by a stomach flu, a bad meal, or someone spiking your tea with laxatives.

"Woah, Lloyd spiked Harry's tea with Turbo Lax! He's gonna be in the soup kitchen in a few minutes."

Friend 1: "Hey man, can't hang out tomorrow. I'm in the soup kitchen."
Friend 2: "You're ditching us to volunteer at a soup kitchen?"
Friend 1: "No dude, I caught a bad stomach flu! I've been shitting my brains out all day."
Friend 2: "I wish you hadn't told me that."

by CjBRAH May 13, 2015

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southern kitchen

the vagina, or "pussy"

Last night I dined in the southern kitchen and mah woman sho did appreciate it!

by Anonymous June 26, 2003

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soup kitchen lust

When two or more unfortunate individuals meet and indulge in grotesque sexual activities at a soup kitchen. Usually on the dirty floor.

They locked eyes from across the room and came to the conclusion that they must engage each other in a round of soup kitchen lust.

by Captain Finch August 19, 2017